Angelique Kedem

AKedem@aecf org (002).jpg

From Cape Town, South Africa, Angelique Kedem is a racial justice advocate and futurist who believes that our liberation is anchored in our ability to imagine new systems and ways of being that allow for the wellbeing and flourishing we deserve. Incredibly proud of her African roots and multicultural heritage, she sees Ubuntu (the Southern African philosophy akin to ‘belonging’ – I am because we are) as the key to materializing a paradigm of equity and justice.  The literal meaning of Ubuntu is that society, not a transcendent being, gives people their humanity by affirming the humanity of the other. It calls attention to our shared responsibility to each other for our wellbeing, and our responsibility to design a society in which we all thrive.

A practicing futurist and visionary, her mission is to support design of this just society by leveraging the genius and innovation within indigenous and communities of color.

Event: Black Liberatory Futures

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Danielle Torain


Camila de Moraes